Price and date
Automobilia (1)
Books (18)
Cameras (4)
Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (1)
Ceramics & Glassware (229)
Clocks & Barometers (29)
Coins, Banknotes & Tokens (3)
Ephemera (11)
Furniture (208)
Garden Statuary & Furniture (1)
Jewellery (52)
Lights and Light Fittings (12)
Maps & Charts (3)
Miscellaneous (179)
Music (5)
Music and Sound Equipment (1)
Musical Instruments (5)
Oriental (24)
Pens and writing equipment (1)
Pictures (117)
Records (78's LP's and singles) (7)
Royal (1)
Rugs (27)
Scientific Instruments (1)
Sculptures (4)
Silver (86)
Sporting (1)
Stamps, postcards, cigarette cards, paper items (12)
Taxidermy (1)
Textiles (20)
Toys (13)
Watches (14)
Weapons and Militaria (6)
Wines & Spirits (9)
Works of Art (10)
Meissen (1)
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Lot 97 - Books and ephemera
Sold for £32
Lot 98 - A Continental porcelain figure of a sportsman, in Derby style, and a figure of a young girl
Sold for £24
Lot 99 - A pair of late Continental porcelain figures, and a smaller figure
Lot 100 - Waterman fountain pen with deep blue marbled finish
Lot 101 - Antique turquoise glass vase with trailed foot, (turquoise glass cased over opaque glass)
Lot 102 - Ceramic bowl with yellow and lustre freeform decoration. Various signatures to reverse. Caiger-Smith
Sold for £95
Lot 103 - Victorian bears grease pot lid and base
Sold for £38
Lot 104 - A group of 18th and 19th century English ceramics, including a Dilwyn plate printed with a ship, Royal Crown Derby, etc
Sold for £30
Lot 105 - Edwardian inlaid mahogany oval tray
Sold for £34
Lot 106 - Astral chinoiserie cases carriage clock
Sold for £160
Lot 107 - Box of model cars, including Matchbox Lesney
Lot 108 - A Paris porcelain plate, painted with birds, circa 1820
Lot 109 - Victorian cut glass sweet meat jar and cover
Lot 110 - A Worcester plate, painted in the London atelier of James Giles with birds and fruits, circa 1770
Lot 111 - Pair of antique wine glasses with opaque air twist stems and a Georgian wine glass with bucket shape bowl and air twist stem on folded foot (3)
Sold for £200
Lot 112 - Pair of 19th century Meissen knife rests with bird and floral decoration and other Meissen and Dresden tea ware
Sold for £90
Lot 113 - Pair 19th century Berlin small pedestals, moulded with bullrushes
Lot 114 - Three pieces of Aldermaston studio pottery, together with a Warminster Toby jug and another pottery jug (5)
Lot 115 - A Plichta model of an elephant, and other Plichta animals
Sold for £36
Lot 116 - Good quality Regency cut glass bowl/liner, pair of decanters and two other Edwardian cut glass decanters (5)
Sold for £40
Lot 117 - Quantity of tea and dinner wares, including Richmond, Royal Albert, etc
Lot 118 - Collection of 19th century jugs
Sold for £50
Lot 119 - Collection of vintage clocks and watches
Sold for £55
Lot 120 - Tibetan temple bell
Sold for £120
Lot 121 - Chinese soapstone carving and Tibetan bronze
Sold for £46
Lot 122 - Group of treen including cribbage boards, lignum vitae coffee grinder, other items
Sold for £130
Lot 123 - St Medard plated service of cutlery
Sold for £20
Lot 124 - Clarice Cliff fantastique pot and cover, Lladro figures and other items
Sold for £80
Lot 125 - Quantity of Doulton stoneware jars tankards and other items
Lot 126 - Collection of Beswick figures (10)
Lot 127 - Dutch brass candle box, tea caddy, Japanese dish, silver plated tankard, silver cup
Lot 128 - 19th century ceramics and sundries
Sold for £28
Lot 129 - Two cased sewing machines
Sold for £10
Lot 130 - Two Samsonite leather cases.
Sold for £22
Lot 131 - Chinese ceramics
Lot 132 - Indo-Persian watercolour on paper
Lot 133 - Collection of ceramics and glass.
Sold for £290
Lot 134 - Chinese reverse painting on glass, depicting a courtesan in an interior
Lot 135 - Assorted works of art
Lot 136 - Georgian creamware tankard, together with transfer decorated Victorian nursery wares, other items
Lot 137 - Huge pair of 19th century Japanese porcelain vases
Sold for £75
Lot 138 - Assorted works of art including Old Sheffield plate card tray, papier mâché box, carved Japanese carp, pocket watches, jelly mould, books, sundries
Sold for £210
Lot 139 - Ceramics by Clarice Cliff, Carltonware, glassware and other items
Sold for £65
Lot 140 - 19th century cranberry glass bowl and cover, with Elizabeth Cannon label, various other cut glass
Lot 141 - Miscellaneous ceramics and glass
Sold for £60
Lot 142 - Large Victorian antler handled carving set, two further cased sets
Sold for £150
Lot 144 - Miscellany of items including Victorian beadwork banner, alabaster clock, pewter, writing slope, sundries
Lot 145 - Manner of Walter Crane, circular earthenware tile, titled Luna, by Benthall Works, Broseley, 20cm diameter, together with an Arts and Crafts jardinière by Mappin & Webb