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Lot 1 - 19th century Chinese tiara/head band with kingfisher feather decoration in an openwork floral design with two red stone cabochons (one missing), together with a similar brooch/panel
Sold for £150
Lot 2 - Old Chinese white metal necklace with pierced floral scroll panels, carved coral and turquoise drops suspended from chains and further beads interspaced on the chain.
Sold for £190
Lot 3 - Old Chinese coral carved rope twist bangle with white metal mounts, a similar coral ring and four pairs of coral drop earrings
Sold for £460
Lot 4 - Old Chinese white metal necklace with a pierced and embossed plaque depicting a figure on a dragon/horse, with bells suspended on chains from the hooves. Plaque measures approximately 13cm x 11cm
Sold for £70
Lot 5 - Two old Chinese white metal necklaces, one with a pierced and embossed plaque depicting a figure on a dragon/horse, with bells suspended on chains from the hooves, the other depicting a temple drag...
Sold for £75
Lot 6 - Old Chinese coral necklace with barrel shaped polished beads and oval silver gilt clasp with wire work flower decoration, 64.5cm long
Sold for £300
Lot 7 - Old Chinese coral necklace with barrel shaped polished beads and oval silver gilt clasp with wire work flower decoration, 63cm long
Sold for £200
Lot 8 - Chinese silver bangle mounted with seven green jade/ hard stone panels, together with four Chinese silver and green jade/ hard stone rings and a similar pair of earrings
Lot 9 - Chinese white metal bangle set with five carved green jade/ hard stone discs, together with a similar carnelian bangle (2)
Sold for £60
Lot 10 - Collection of Eastern silver and white metal rings including some with enamelled decoration, within a ring display tray
Lot 11 - Collection of eleven Chinese white metal padlock style pendants with floral scroll and character mark decoration. Largest measures 5.5cm wide, smallest 3.7cm wide
Sold for £110
Lot 12 - Four old Chinese white metal necklaces with embossed panels depicting flowers, leaves, figures and Chinese characters, with bells suspended from chains
Sold for £210
Lot 13 - Six Chinese oval carnelian bead necklaces with silver clasps, 65cm - 52cm long
Lot 14 - Ten green jade/ hard stone polished bangles, 7cm- 8cm diameter
Sold for £80
Lot 15 - Five Chinese bead necklaces including green hard stone, pink hard stone, carnelian, hematite, enamelled beads etc, all with silver clasps
Sold for £120
Lot 16 - Five Chinese green hard stone/ jade spherical polished bead necklaces, together with some loose beads and two green hard stone/ jade carved plaque pendants
Lot 17 - Collection of twelve Chinese polished green hard stone/ jade rings
Sold for £160
Lot 18 - Four Chinese carnelian bead necklaces with silver clasps, 64cm - 52cm long
Lot 19 - Selection of various loose beads including hard stone, glass, turquoise, white metal etc
Sold for £20
Lot 20 - Two amber bead necklaces and a large reconstituted bead
Lot 21 - Group of Chinese and Eastern jewellery including three necklaces with coral and white metal beads, lapis lazuli necklace with carved fish pendant, turquoise necklace, white metal locket pendant set...
Lot 22 - Collection of old Chinese white metal buttons including four in the form of beetles with enamel decoration, others depicting flowers, figures and scroll decoration plus three brass spherical button...
Sold for £220
Lot 23 - Group of silver gem set stud earrings, silver bangle set with an amethyst cabochon, similar bracelet, silver mounted carnelian pendant on chain, silver pink stone ring and a silver heart locket
Sold for £40
Lot 24 - Pair of 9ct gold knot cufflinks, similar yellow metal pair and a pink and blue enamelled pair
Sold for £400
Lot 25 - Pair of Danish silver cufflinks, pair of silver knot cufflinks, various others, small enamel plaque depicting a mountain landscape, three vintage watches, 1930s silver cigarette case and other bijo...
Lot 26 - Limited edition contemporary silver cased pendant watch
Sold for £55
Lot 27 - Set of six silver guilloche enamel coffee spoons and a Dutch silver cake slice
Sold for £65
Lot 28 - Victorian gold sovereign, 1885, in 9ct gold...
Sold for £470
Lot 29 - 9ct gold charm bracelet, other 9ct gold jewellery, 15ct gold seed pearl ring (stones missing) and one other gold ring stamped 800, together with a silver identity bracelet and a small group of othe...
Sold for £440
Lot 30 - Group of gold and opal jewellery
Lot 31 - Two 18ct gold mounted opal pendants on yellow metal chains, 18ct gold mounted opal three stone brooch and one other opal pendant on 9ct gold chain
Sold for £580
Lot 32 - Sapphire and diamond three stone ring in platinum claw setting on 18ct gold shank together with an 18ct gold diamond five stone ring (2)
Lot 33 - Sapphire and synthetic white stone pendant in 18ct gold setting, two similar three stone rings in yellow metal setting and a pair of earrings
Sold for £180
Lot 34 - Late 1960s 18ct gold citrine cocktail ring, size N½, 1970s 18ct gold garnet cocktail ring on wide bark effect band, size P and one other dress ring, size N½, all bearing makers mark JE
Sold for £370
Lot 35 - Group of seven gold and yellow metal gem set dress rings
Sold for £320
Lot 36 - Group of 9ct gold jewellery to include a torque bangle, a gold charm bracelet, two wedding rings, bracelet and chain
Sold for £820
Lot 37 - Group of gold gem set earring to include a pair of 18ct gold synthetic star sapphire and star ruby floral spray earrings, pair of 18ct white gold ruby and diamond cluster earrings
Sold for £500
Lot 38 - Group of Eastern yellow metal and ruby jewellery
Sold for £360
Lot 39 - 1920s silver and blue guilloche enamel pendant watch on chain, signed C. Bucherer
Lot 40 - Group of silver and white metal jewellery to include silver gem set rings, silver and moonstone bracelet, earrings and rings, silver charm bracelet, white metal charm necklace, silver bangles e...
Lot 41 - Group of vintage costume jewellery, watches and bijouterie to include silver and cultured pearls brooch, rings, bracelets, cultured pearl necklace, coral bead necklaces etc
Lot 42 - Large silver capstan inkwell with engraved initials to lid (Birmingham 1950)
Lot 43 - Victorian silver card case, silver inkwell and a silver dip pen (3)
Sold for £50
Lot 44 - Silver enamelled bangle, other silver jewellery, double strand cultured pearl bracelet with 14ct gold clasp, pair of silver sugar tongs, silver topped cut glass jars etc
Sold for £44
Lot 45 - 1970s 18ct white gold sapphire and diamond flower head cluster ring
Sold for £260
Lot 46 - 18ct gold diamond single stone ring and a 14ct white gold diamond single stone ring (2)
Lot 47 - 9ct gold cross pendant on 14ct gold chain and 9ct gold signet ring (2)
Lot 48 - Victorian yellow metal seed pearl hinged bangle, 1977 commemorative crown coin pendant in mount on chain and a silver filigree brooch and matching earrings