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Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (1)

Ceramics & Glassware (143)

Clocks & Barometers (41)

Ephemera (2)

Furniture (236)

Jewellery (178)

Maps & Charts (4)

Miscellaneous (44)

Oriental (68)

Pictures (279)

Royal (73)

Rugs (13)

Scientific Instruments (1)

Sculptures (31)

Silver (243)

Textiles (3)

Watches (13)

Works of Art (99)

Artist/Maker/Brand See all

Francis Plummer (1930 - 2019) (16)

Lowestoft (1757 - 1802) (12)

Mouseman (12)

18th Century and Georgian Glass (6)

Omega (4)

Cartier (3)

Glass, Paperweights (3)

Diamond Engagement Rings (2)

Longines (2)

Meissen (2)

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