A note purporting to be by Jack the Ripper will star in Reeman Dansie’s inaugural timed online Halloween sale on 31st October.
The scrawled message on the reverse of a sepia portrait photograph threatens ‘I must find a cure for that dreadful disease in (Whitechapel), and will keep my knife nice and sharp, will strike again when time is right, perhaps in New Year'.
This recent discovery was made amongst the owner’s late uncle’s effects, whilst it has been appraised by experts as a likely fake, it was previously unknown to Ripperologists and it remains a curio which poses fresh questions for researchers. The Ripper note stars in a horror themed sale which features art, sculpture, defamed and cursed objects, all guaranteed to terrify. Further entries are invited for this unique auction until the 18th October.
The Halloween timed sale closes for bids at the Witching hour of 9pm on All Hallows’ Eve, tune in if you dare!
Reeman Dansie are pleased to announce the sale of the residual collection of the late John Caspall.
Artist’s Estate sale of Led Zeppelin’s iconic album cover artist. To be sold without reserve.
We look forward to seeing you all in 2025 and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & New Year.